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1 cup cooked quinoa

1 cup cooked chickpeas

1 sweet potato

1 teaspoon rosemary

2 Tablespoons finely ground corn flour

Chickpeas flour - enough to keep everything together

Extra virgin olive oil



Other spices and herbs to taste


Dice the sweet potato finely and roast it for a few minutes with some oil and the chickpeas. Add rosemary, salt and pepper and any other herbs or spices of your choice. Coarsly blend the vegetables, then add the quinoa, the corn flour and the chickpeas flour until you obtain a dough.

With a cooking ring obtain the burgers and then roast on both sides in a few TS olive oil until they become golden. Should you wish to cook the burgers later, form the  burgers on a baking tray covered with baking paper and bake for 30 minutes. Once cold you can store them in the fridge for later cooking.

© 2013 by Lucia Vimercati. Powered by                                   Photo Credits: Lucia Vimercati, Yoga Sauvage, Alberto Caspani

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